Data Models are be used to specify the information needs or information requirements of an organisation in a graphical format. They provide valuable information needed by developers and testers in the production and testing of information systems.
This course will use meaningful and practical examples to explain and demonstrate the notation used and show you how to develop them them.
Having completed the course, you will be able to produce class models to represent the information requirements of an organisation
Part One of the course provides an overview into what class models are, what they look like and why we use them. It answers the question of why we need to model information and data requirements in the first place, examines some common fact findingtechniques and introduces the key components of a Class. In part one we will start to build our example Class Model.
In Part Two we will add Associations and Business Rules to our example Class Model. In our discussion of business rules we will look at Multiplicity, enforcing business rules and what are known as “Many to Many” associations.
In Part Two we will add Associations and Business Rules to our example Class Model. In our discussion of business rules we will look at Multiplicity, enforcing business rules and what are known as “Many to Many” associations.
In part Four we will develop the model further by adding Generalisation aggregation and composition and Whilst we consider these structural elements of a class model it would be a good idea to consider how to capture historical data.
In Part Five, the final part of our course we turn our attention to data definitions which are used to provide more detailed information on the classes, business rules and attributes represented in the model.